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 Some ideas regarding the Software Center

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Join date : 2012-08-26

Some ideas regarding the Software Center Empty
PostSubject: Some ideas regarding the Software Center   Some ideas regarding the Software Center EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 6:56 am

Hello. I heard you say on Spatry's show that you were not going to include the software center, which is probably a good idea consider how slow it is.
But I have an idea. I actually like the software center because I can find a lot of games and apps that doesn't come in synaptic because they're not free.
So, what if you fork the old software center? That could work. The old software center is pretty fast and good looking. At least more good looking than synaptic.
Or you could use the deepin software center which looks way better.
It doesn't have the software you can buy, so that really sucks. But it's still nice and modern looking.
And also, please have the playdeb and getdeb repositories in there by default.
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Some ideas regarding the Software Center
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