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 XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation

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XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation Empty
PostSubject: XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation   XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation EmptyTue Aug 28, 2012 6:16 pm

I loaded 3.0 RC1 into a VM under VMware Workstation and kicked off the installation program. I partitioned the disk and specified all XFS filesystems. When the installation began the filesystem creation process it failed with the error "The XFS file system creation in partition #1 of SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sda) failed", which is the /boot filesystem. I don't see anything in any log file that provides more detail. Is there anywhere I can look to track down the specific error? I will gladly provide more specifics of the VM configuration, disk partition layout, etc if desired.

Thanks to Chris and Matt over at LAS for mentioning this distro!! :-)
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XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation Empty
PostSubject: Re: XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation   XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation EmptyThu Aug 30, 2012 12:51 pm

Try using the latest release and see if the issue still persists
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XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation Empty
PostSubject: Re: XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation   XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation EmptyThu Aug 30, 2012 3:00 pm

Same result. I believe the "mkfs.xfs" program is missing from the installation image, which is what is being called by the /lib/partman/commit.d/50format_xfs script. It's not in the PATH when I try to run it from a command line. I also ran "find / -name mkfs.xfs" from the command line...not found. I even mounted the ISO and looked there... not found.
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XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation Empty
PostSubject: Re: XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation   XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation EmptyThu Aug 30, 2012 3:33 pm

you are right, mkfs.xfs is nowhere to be found. I, however found :

mkfs                      mkfs.bfs
mkfs.cramfs          mkfs.ext2
mkfs.ext3              mkfs.ext4
mkfs.ext4dev        mkfs.minix
mkfs.msdos          mkfs.ntfs
mkfs.reiserfs          mkfs.vfat

all of them are in the /sbin directory.
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XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation Empty
PostSubject: Re: XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation   XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation EmptyThu Aug 30, 2012 4:07 pm

Yep! I saw the same. I will shoot an email to the maintainer just to make sure he reads this thread.

Guess I'm the only person that has tried to use XFS! :-)
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XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation Empty
PostSubject: Re: XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation   XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation EmptyMon Oct 08, 2012 8:27 pm

Silly me, I forgot to add xfs to the base. Fixed now.
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PostSubject: Re: XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation   XFS Filesystem Creation Failure During Installation Empty

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